You can find an abridged version of my hair journey from 2010 to the present in the 'My hairstory' page.
This is the fourth in a series of individual posts about my hair growing milestones over the years, plus a pic
spam of length shots xD
Previous post: 2010 hair (tailbone length), 2011 hair (classic length), 2012 hair (fingertip length).
After 2012 and fingertip length, in October 2013 I reached mid-thigh, maintaining a reasonably good hemline, with microtrims in-between. Mini pic spam!
- January: Under fingertip length. I really like the contrast between the indirect light and the direct sunlight on the ends in the second pic.
- August: Length shot with braidwaves for a recreation of a Catelyn Tully Stark style from GoT Season 1
- October: Finally reached solid mid-thigh!
- October: Length shots with my Noldorin Elf OC cosplay for a Tolkien convention. First ones are with my natural straight texture, the last one features braidwaves and bandanna curls at the ends:
- December: Ending this post with a length shots with some bandanna curls -
SwordWomanRiona /
Do not copy-and-paste this post and/or alter it without any
permission, credit or link. Ask before using my work, or at least give credit to me and my blog (beauty site who kept stealing my content a while ago, I'm looking at you).